At a time when there is less face to face communication,conflict can be caused by miscommunication, being faceless and being unable to solve the issue immediately and personally.
Conflict is acceptable in social media and sometimes only extreme views become relevant, shareable and popular.
So how should we handle conflict? This depends on the type of conflict. If it is with a stranger, an anonymous member of social media or something we do not have any control over, sometimes we just need to let it go.
Sometimes, we need to air our views but without blame or judgement of the other
person or opinion.
If the conflict is with a family member, a loved one or a friend, then make time to do this in person. Being present shows you are responsible and ready to find common ground for the sake of the relationship. Here are some other tips:
1. Define the source of the conflict.
2. Recognise your part. Acknowledge your role in the problem and take responsibility for it.
3. Empathise. When you are being non-judgmental and cultivate compassion the fear of losing diminishes and collaboration increases.
4. Discover a win-win solution. This is the ultimate goal—to agree on an option that benefits both sides.
Conflicts and disagreements are unavoidable. It is important to realise that the benefits of conflict resolution extend beyond resolving disagreements. Resolving conflict contributes significantly to personal growth,
emotional well-being, and maintaining healthy relationships with boundaries and rules set for future fallouts.